
【逻辑备库上创建JOB报ORA-01031错误】在逻辑备库上创建任何JOB,包含使用SYS用户去创建,都会报这个:ora-01031ora-06152 SYS.DBMS_INTERNAL_LOGSTDBY…
经确认,这个是ORACLE故意这样设计的 。创建job的时候job的id是oracle自动编号的,所以如果允许的话,可能会引起主库和LOGICAL STANDBY库上的ID冲突
Oracle PL/SQL supplied packages that modify system metadata typically are notsupported by SQL Apply, and therefore their effects are not visible on the logicalstandby database. Examples of such packages are DBMS_JAVA, DBMS_REGISTRY,DBMS_ALERT, DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN, DBMS_REFRESH, DBMS_REDEFINITION, DBMS_SCHEDULER, and DBMS_AQ.Specific support for DBMS_JOB has been provided. Job execution is suspended on alogical standby database and jobs cannot be scheduled directly on the standbydatabase. However, jobs submitted on the primary database are replicated in thestandby database. In the event of a switchover or failover, jobs scheduled on theoriginal primary database will automatically begin running on the new primarydatabase
