摘要:讲解TOPSIS法的原理,并通过MATLAB的GUI界面设计计算,操作更简单,不会编程也能用 。
注:本文的理论部分的内容主要来自微信公众号“好玩的MATLAB”的《TOPSIS法》一文 。
逼近理想解排序法也称优劣解距离法,是多目标决策分析中一种常用的距离综合评价方法 。基本思想是定义决策问题的理想解和负理想解,根据有限个评价对象与理想解的接近程度进行排序,找到最优方案 。正负理想解是一个方案集中并不存在的虚拟最佳、最劣方案 。它的每个属性值都是决策矩阵中该属性的最好的值、最坏的值 。
点击导入数据按键——点击计算权重——在三种方法层次分析法、熵权法和变异系数法中选择一个方法计算权重 , 获得权重计算的权重excel文件——点击导入权重数据按键——点击开始计算——出现结果显示加载的数据表、每个指标对应的权重和每个个体的得分表——同时生成对应的数据结果exce文件:TOPSIS法得分表.xlsx和TOPSIS法指标权重.xlsx 。需要基于MATLAB的TOPSIS法的GUI计算界面完整GUI程序,可以进行赞赏后截图点击加载数据,选择数据excel文件
(6)点击确定 , 并输入负向指标的位置(如果有负向指标的话)
function varargout = TOPSISjisuanjiemian% TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN MATLAB code for TOPSISjisuanjiemian.fig% TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN, by itself, creates a new TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN or raises the existing% singleton*.%% H = TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN returns the handle to a new TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN or the handle to% the existing singleton*.%% TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN calls the local% function named CALLBACK in TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN.M with the given input arguments.%% TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN creates a new TOPSISJISUANJIEMIAN or raises the% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are% applied to the GUI before TOPSISjisuanjiemian_OpeningFcn gets called. An% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application% stop. All inputs are passed to TOPSISjisuanjiemian_OpeningFcn via varargin.%% *See GUI Options on GUIDE&34;GUI allows only one% instance to run ".%% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES% Edit the above text to modify the response to help TOPSISjisuanjiemian% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 10-Apr-2022 22:34:25% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDITgui_Singleton = 1;gui_State = struct;if nargin && ischargui_State.gui_Callback = str2func;endif nargout[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn;elsegui_mainfcn;end% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT% --- Executes just before TOPSISjisuanjiemian is made visible.function TOPSISjisuanjiemian_OpeningFcn% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data% varargin command line arguments to TOPSISjisuanjiemian% Choose default command line output for TOPSISjisuanjiemianhandles.output = hObject;movegui;%关闭窗口的名字 修改为其他名字set;% Update handles structureguidata;% UIWAIT makes TOPSISjisuanjiemian wait for user response% uiwait;% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.function varargout = TOPSISjisuanjiemian_OutputFcn% varargout cell array for returning output args ;% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data% Get default command line output from handles structurevarargout{1} = handles.output;% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1.function pushbutton1_Callback% hObject handle to pushbutton1% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user datatableData = https://www.30zx.com/[];set;set;set;3.理论部分
TOPSIS法(逼近理想解排序法)采用相对接近度来表征各个评价对象与参考点的距离 。首先在空间确定出参考点,包括最优和最劣点 , 然后计算各个评价对象与参考点的距离,与最优点越近或与最劣点越远说明被评价对象的综合特性越好 。
