

sheep的复数形式是sheep 。sheep是单复数同形的单词 , sheep的意思是“羊,绵羊”,是可数名词,sheep还可以用于比喻人“胆小” 。例句:The sheep are lambing this week.这个星期绵羊要产羔 。

例句:No,but I have beef and mutton.
没有 , 但有牛肉和羊肉馅的 。
例句:Down came a jumbuck to drink beside the billabong.
跑来一只肥羊 , 低头喝水在池旁 。
sheep例句That doesn't mean that its workers are sheep.
这并不是说员工应该像绵羊一样温顺听话 。
He is the shepherd and we are his sheep.
他是牧羊人,我们是他的羊 。
You have two cows and one sheep.
你有两头奶牛和一只羊 。
And that's how electronic sheep were born.
这就是所谓的电子羊诞生记 。
The sheep had been grazing on the hill.
【sheep复数形式】事发前这只羊在山坡上吃草 。
双语例句The sheep had got out and were loose on the road.
那些羊跑出来在路上自由自在地走动 。
Sheep were grazing in the fields.
羊在野地里吃草 。
The path was no better than a sheep track.
那条小路简直就像是羊肠小道 。
The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.
绵羊可以在这片地上自由走动 。
At clipping time sheep need to be penned.
在剪羊毛时 , 需要把羊圈起来 。
The island is populated largely by sheep.
这个岛的主要生物是绵羊 。
The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep.
牧师讲道时用了亡羊的比喻 。
The first task was to fence the wood to exclude sheep
第一项任务就是把树林围起来不让羊进去 。
I'd kinda like to have a sheep farm in New Mexico
我有点儿想在新墨西哥州开一个牧羊场 。
Sheep's milk is produced in much the same way as goat's milk.
绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多 。
Dogs were allowed to roam free and 48 sheep were killed.
没有对狗加以约束而让它们四处乱跑,结果有48只羊被咬死 。
Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture
每年夏天牧羊人都将羊群赶到牧场去 。
Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves.
绵羊边吃边走 , 穿行在厚厚的一层黄色落叶中间 。
Their father was helping to dip the sheep.
他们的父亲在帮忙给羊群洗药浴 。
Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed
不断有绵羊被那根铁丝缠住 , 最后就把它拆掉了 。
Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water
袋鼠与牛羊争夺稀少的食物和水 。
Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep
斯特凡诺骑一辆摩托车放羊 。
More than half a million sheep are sent from Britain to Europe for slaughter every year.
每年有50多万头羊被从英国运到欧洲宰杀 。
He wasn't sure exactly how a fox could have got into the sheep's pen.
他不是十分确定狐狸是怎么进入羊圈的 。
They kept a small flock of sheep
他们养了一小群羊 。



以上就是sheep复数形式的内容,下面小编又整理了网友对sheep复数形式相关的问题解答,希望可以帮到你 。

sheep的复数形式怎么写?sheep的复数形式就是sheep. sheep 是特殊名词,也叫(不规则名词)且单复数同形 。单复同形,如: deer,sheep,fish,cattle,deer,salmon,Chinese,Japanese 较特殊 。s 。
sheep复数?分享如下:sheep的复数形式就是它本身:sheep 分享如下:sheep的复数形式就是它本身:sheep
sheep的复数形式是怎么写?sheep的复数形式是:sheep 读法 英 [?i?p] 美 [?i?p] n.羊;绵羊 词汇搭配: 1、sheep and goats 善人与恶人 (来自《圣经》);好人与坏人 2、a flock of 。s 。
sheep(复数形式)?sheep这个单词的复数形式比较特殊,他的复数形式就是他本身,此外跟他类似的还有read,fish,deer,reindeer,moose,chinese,japanses,portuguese,baht等等 sheep这 。
sheep的缩写和完整形式?sheep没有缩写,它就是完整形式 。n. 羊,绵羊;胆小鬼Sheep were grazing in the fields. 羊在野地里吃草 。They kept a small flock of sheep. 他们养了一小群 。
sheep and cow 的复数形式?sheep的复数还是sheep. cow的复数形式,是cows. 1)sheep的意思是“羊,绵羊”,是可数名词,单复数同形 。sheep,用于比喻可表示人“胆小” 2)cow的意思是 n.“ 。
sheep当肉可数吗?是可数的,但是其复数形式和sheep一样的 。例句:There are a lot of sheep. sheep [Fi:p] n. 羊, 绵羊, 此外,单复同形的单词还有:fish(鱼),deer 。是可数的,但 。
羊的复数是什么?绵羊sheep 和人民people之类的是集体名词没有复数形式heep 这个单词比较特殊,它的复数形式还是sheep .还有一些单词也是这样,如:fish deer等它们的复数形式和 。
sheep和sheeps的区别?sheep是单复数同形的名词,所以即使是复数,也用sheep. 没有sheeps这种写法,英语中有些名词单复数同形,无论句意是单数还是复数,都用同一个单词 。sheep就是其一 。
