inonat的用法区别 短语

in时间长;on某一点;at时间短 。in时间范围大泛指在上午,下午,晚上 。on指在某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上 。at时间最短,一般表示点时间 。
短语at a loss茫然,不知所措
in a way在某种程度上
in a word简言之,总之
in the face of即使;在...面前
in the first place首先
in the future在未来
on condition that在...条件下
on earth究竟
例句Early in the moming of National Day,1 got up to catch the first bus to the zoo.国庆节一清早,我便起床去赶到动物园的第一班公共汽车 。
I am eatting at 10 oclock.我十点钟要吃饭
We usually eat mooncakes on Mid-autumn Festival.我们通常在中秋节吃月饼.
This machine was invented in the eighteenth century.这台机器是在18世纪发明的.
I heard this story on Saturday morning.我是在星期六的早晨听到这个故事的.
in双语例句We were locked in.
我们被锁在里面了 。
It startled me to find her sitting in my office.
我一进办公室,发现她坐在里面,把我吓了一跳 。
The cost in terms of human life was high.
付出了很大的生命代价 。
No one in their right mind would choose to work there.
任何一个精神正常的人都不会选择去那里工作 。
He's got a new woman in his life.
他生活中又有了一个女人 。
His first music teacher was a major influence in his life.
他的第一位音乐老师是他一生中对他影响非常大的人 。
His face was a study in concentration.
他脸上完全是一副全神贯注的表情 。
He's trying to get a job in a bank.
他正设法在银行找一个工作 。
With the first goal he used his head in more ways than one.
他进第一个球时从多方面动了脑筋 。
He's in love with his work.
他热爱自己的工作 。
Do look me up the next time you're in London.
你下次到伦敦 , 一定要来看我 。
The water is fine once you're in!
你一旦下了水,就会觉得水里挺舒适 。
He might get there in time,but I can't be sure.
他有可能准时到达,但我不敢肯定 。
Cost was a key element in our decision.
价钱是我们决策时考虑的主要因素 。
He could hear someone moving around in the room above.
他能听到楼上屋里有人走动 。
He was not in a good mood that day.
他那天心情不好 。
His success was down to being in the right place at the right time.
他的成功之处就在于把握住了时机 。
He's still in a state of shock.
他至今还惊魂未定 。
It took him some time to orient himself in his new school.
他经过了一段时间才熟悉新学校的环境 。
He lost no time in setting out for London.
他赶紧起程去了伦敦 。
on双语例句I got to know David on the second day of middle school.
我在上中学的第二天就认识了大卫 。
Come on─it's make your mind up time!
There were only three of us on the advanced course.
只有我们三人学高级课程 。
He would do well to concentrate more on his work.
他最好还是更加集中精力在工作上 。
His family have been a very positive influence on him.
他的家庭对他有十分良好的影响 。
Most of the people on the course were professional women.
参加本课程的大多数人是职业女性 。
It was good to be back on dry land again.
回到陆地上真好 。
The library is all on one level.
图书馆全部在同一层楼上 。
It was good to be back on land.
回到陆地上真好 。
He is working on a new novel.
他正在写一部新小说 。
He was on a real high after winning the competition.
他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了 。
Every file on the same disk must have a different name.
同一磁盘上的每一个文件都必须有不同的文件名 。
Let's get this show on the road!
He could feel the heat of the sun on his back.
他能感觉到太阳照射在背上的热度 。
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.
作者索引和学科索引可在图书馆的数据库中找到 。
You must on no condition tell them what happened.
你决不能告诉他们所发生的事 。
You can make a claim on your insurance policy.
你可按保险单索赔 。
You couldn't have left it on the bus,could you?
Financial security was high on his list of priorities.
在他的心目中,金融安全是十分重要的一环 。
Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip.
去旅行前要办理好意外保险 。
at双语例句Let's attack one problem at a time.
咱们一次全力处理一个问题 。
A few kind words at the right time make all the difference.
在适当的时候说几句体贴话效果迥然不同 。
Make sure you get a good look at their faces.
你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔 。
You can look at the issue from many different angles.
你可以从很多不同的角度看这个问题 。
Work always piles up at the end of the year.
年底总是积压一大堆工作 。
There were as many as 200 people at the lecture.
听讲的有200人之多 。
He said he would be here at eight o'clock.
他说他将在八点钟到达这里 。
I'll call back at a more convenient time.
在方便的时候我会回电话的 。
Any teacher will tell you that students learn at different rates.
任何老师都知道学生学习有快有慢 。
She was in my year at school.
她上学时跟我同级 。
Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.
在每一篇作品的末尾画一条直线 。
She doesn't like to walk home late at night.
她不喜欢深夜步行回家 。
She entered public life at the age of 25.
她25岁时开始了经常抛头露面的工作 。
Christ!Look at the time─I'm late!
Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management.
工作压力是一件让员工和管理人员都关切的事 。
Problems at work continued to occupy his mind for some time.
工作上的问题继续在他的脑海中萦绕了一段时间 。
He had a genius for making people feel at home.
他有一种能够使人感觉轻松自在的本领 。
She never had any real friends at school.
在学校,她从来没有交过真正的朋友 。
His success was down to being in the right place at the right time.
他的成功之处就在于把握住了时机 。
Let's look at the question of security.
咱们来看一下保安问题 。
以上就是inonat的用法区别 短语的内容,下面小编又整理了网友对inonat的用法区别 短语相关的问题解答,希望可以帮到你 。

30秒记住in on at的用法?in,on,at的用法口诀:年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行;遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in;要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行;午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错; 。in,o 。
on in at for的用法及区别口诀?一、区别: 1 、at (在、于)用指明一特定的时间、节日、年龄; 2、 in (在、在.之内、在.期间、在.后、过……后)指明:天、年、月、季节、周次; 3、 on (在.时 。
at in on的区别和用法超简单讲解?01 选用介词at的场合 介词at主要可用于以下几种场合,家长需提醒孩子特别注意的是at在固定短语或习惯搭配中的使用 。1、用于钟点前 ·at ten o’clock ·at a。
in on at节日的用法及区别?in,on,at三个词在表示时间上的区别是:in+年/月/季节/早晨/下午/晚上/时间段…… on+具体某一天 at+具体时刻 如:He will come back in three months.他三天后 。
atinon的区别和用法?at,in和on是表示时间和地点的常用介词,它们的用法和区别如下: at表示一个具体的时间点或地点,常用于以下情况: 表示具体的时间点,如at 3 o'clock(在三点 。at 。
on 与 in与at monday区别?介词in,on,at表示时间时的用法区别:in 时间长 on 某一点 at 时间短 ①in时间范围大(一天以上)如:in Tanuary, in winter, in 1999;泛指在上午,下午,晚上, 。
时间介词in on at的用法和例句?其实是很简单的理解咯, 就是一个范围的不同 。In的范围最大,你可以用在一天以上的时间范围 。例句,I was not doing good in last few days.我前几天过的不是 。
At和in和on的用法和区别?表示时间的区别: at指时间表示: 1. 时间的一点,一时刻 。2. 较短的一段时间 。可指某个节日或认为一年中标志大事的日子 。in指时间表示: 1. 在某 。4、to:to 。
at on and哪个不同类?英语里at,in,on,with,and,for用法的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 。一、意思不同 1、at:在(某处),在(学习或工作地点),在(某时间或时刻) 。2、in: 。
【inonat的用法区别 短语】