library的复数形式 常见句型

library的复数形式 常见句型

library的复数形式是libraries 。library常用作名词 , 意思是“图书馆;藏书楼;图书室;资料室;(书、激光唱片等的)个人收藏” , library有时也可用在其他名词前作定语 。例句:The library has many art treasures.这家图书馆里有许多珍贵艺术品 。

常见句型The new library has won an architectural award.
新图书馆赢得了建筑奖 。
The town has its own public library and public gardens.
那城市有自己的公用图书馆和公园 。
In the library,the books on history are all kept in one bay.
在图书馆里,历史方面的书都放在同一个建立 。
Suddenly I remembered I had left my glasses in the library.
我突然想起把眼镜忘在图书馆了 。
词汇搭配at the library在图书馆
in a library在图书馆
in sb's library在某人的藏书中
outside library在图书馆外面
library for children儿童图书馆
program library程序库
library card借书证
own a library拥有藏书
municipal library市立图书馆
private library私人图书馆
library双语例句Your local library will be a useful source of information.
你们当地的图书馆就是很好的资料来源 。
The library is all on one level.
图书馆全部在同一层楼上 。
New technology has enabled development of an online'virtual library'.
新技术已经使在线“虚拟图书馆”的发展成为可能 。
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.
作者索引和学科索引可在图书馆的数据库中找到 。
I'm going to the library straight after the class.
我一下课就马上去图书馆 。
Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries.
留出两个房间作为图书室 。
The library contains many popular works of reference.
这家图书馆藏有许多常用的参考书 。
My time spent in the library was very productive.
我花在图书馆的时间很有收获 。
I must return some books to the library.
我得把一些书还给图书馆 。
Please bring back all library books by the end of the week.
请在周末前把图书馆的书全部归还 。
I go to the library for a little peace and quiet.
我到图书馆去清静一下 。
Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.
新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里 。
The new library is close to completion.
新图书馆快要竣工了 。
The library has a large biology section.
这个图书馆有大量的生物学藏书 。
Staff are encouraged to use the library for professional self-development.
鼓励员工利用图书馆提高自己的专业水平 。
We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the library.
若能及时将图书归还图书馆,我们将不胜感激 。
Members can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time.
会员在图书馆每次最多可借十本书 。
A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.
已划拨了一大笔款子给图书馆购买新书 。
This explains the rules under which the library operates.
这份材料说明了图书馆的运行规则 。
The library will be officially opened by the local MP.
图书馆将由当地下院议员正式揭幕 。
libraries双语例句It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries
非业内人士难以进入医学图书馆 。
It seems a false economy to me to cut down on libraries.
在我看来 , 减少图书馆的数量并不是真正的节约 。
Your local library will be a useful source of information.
你们当地的图书馆就是很好的资料来源 。
The library is all on one level.
图书馆全部在同一层楼上 。
New technology has enabled development of an online'virtual library'.
新技术已经使在线“虚拟图书馆”的发展成为可能 。
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.
作者索引和学科索引可在图书馆的数据库中找到 。
【library的复数形式 常见句型】I'm going to the library straight after the class.
我一下课就马上去图书馆 。
Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries.
留出两个房间作为图书室 。
The library contains many popular works of reference.
这家图书馆藏有许多常用的参考书 。
My time spent in the library was very productive.
我花在图书馆的时间很有收获 。
I must return some books to the library.
我得把一些书还给图书馆 。
Please bring back all library books by the end of the week.
请在周末前把图书馆的书全部归还 。
I go to the library for a little peace and quiet.
我到图书馆去清静一下 。
Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.
新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里 。
The new library is close to completion.
新图书馆快要竣工了 。
The library has a large biology section.
这个图书馆有大量的生物学藏书 。
Staff are encouraged to use the library for professional self-development.
鼓励员工利用图书馆提高自己的专业水平 。
We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the library.
若能及时将图书归还图书馆,我们将不胜感激 。
Members can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time.
会员在图书馆每次最多可借十本书 。
A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.
已划拨了一大笔款子给图书馆购买新书 。
以上就是library的复数形式 常见句型的内容,下面小编又整理了网友对library的复数形式 常见句型相关的问题解答,希望可以帮到你 。
library的复数形式 常见句型

library的复数形式为什么是libraries?复数:libraries library [英][?la?br?ri] [美][?la?breri] n.藏书; 图书馆,藏书楼; 书屋,书斋; 图书出租处; 复数:libraries library [英][?la?br?ri] 。
library的复数是直接加s还是去y变i加es?要看y前面一个音是元音还是辅音 如是辅音,就去y加ies 如是元音,就不用去y,直接加s monday,tuesday,诸如此类,y前面的都是元音ei,(a),所以不用去y study,y前面 。
library的适当形式是什么?library的适当形式是:复数 libraries library 美 /?la?breri/ 英 /?la?br?ri; ?la?bri/ n. 图书馆,藏书室;文库 双语例句: Public libraries are open。
libraries复数?library的复数是libraries 。n.图书馆;藏书楼;图书室;资料室;(书、激光唱片等的)个人收藏; 原型是library 。Please bring back all library books by the end 。
the library 是单数还是复数?是单数!这涉及单数变复数的规律!一般的名词变复数只需要在单词后面加s,以s,x,sh,ch,th结尾的名词要在词尾加es!以f,fe结尾的名词要在词尾变它们为v再加e 。是 。
libraries和library的区别?library [英][?la?br?ri][美][?la?breri] n.图书馆,藏书楼; 藏书; 书屋,书斋; 图书出租处; 复数:libraries 例: ①The public library of science publi 。
library后面能加ies吗?复数变化ies,即libraries 。辅音十y→i十es 复数变化ies,即libraries 。辅音十y→i十es
libraiy的复数形式是什么?单词打错了吧? 是不是library?复数是变y为i,加-es,libraries 。单词打错了吧?是不是library?复数是变y为i,加-es,libraries 。
library的音节划分?library 英 [ ?la?br?ri; ?la?bri ] 美 [ ?la?breri ] 图书馆,藏书楼常用释义 释义 n. 图书馆,藏书楼;(书、激光唱片等的)私人收藏;书房,书斋;文 。li 。
library的复数形式 常见句型
